Guard duty....borin n tired

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Nothin much for 2day but last thursday gt my very first guard duty bak in my camp...
though i gt 11 days off i kana extra duty cuz my rifle kana steal by Platoon Commander bak at field camp XD...
luckily its on wik days...if i kana on wik ends i really goin 2 die..
cuz on wikends its 24hrs...and
wik days onli 16 or 18 hrs onli cuz office hrs regimental police and military police do e guard duty..
aft office hrs we tk over...until e nxt mornin dat is 8am...
starts at ard 6pm aft e flag goes down in e Division Parade Square(DPS...i made up myself hehe:P)...
but dat day i actually hav 2 book in at 3pm cuz e commanders nid 2 gif us sum briefin bout e duty...
cuz its my 1st tym.....
b4 e real guard duty, at ard 5:30pm we gather at e DPS do sum drills b4 e flag goes down
den 2 e guard rm...i not really e 1st one 2 do e duty..i m e 2nd detail (1 detail gt 4 gt 3 detail)
(in 1 detail, 2 ppl prowl ard e whole camp internal n external den 1 gate IC
who hav 2 open e gate n me, e sentry who hav e stand for 2 hrs on a 2 and a half square foot box holdin a rifle LOL)
my detail starts at 8pm so b4 dat i TV eat Macdonalds n cup noodles hehe..
actually we do guard duty 2 hrs n rest for 4 hrs.....hehe half way gt this ting called TURN OUT!!!
dat iz another stupid thing we nid 2 do while doin e guard duty...
wen turn out is called off every1 gav 2 gather infront of e guard hse..except e duty personel
dat means ppl who r restin muz cum down...its actually an emergency drill
lyk riotin or suspicious person spotted inside e camp...
i tot i was lucky cuz i dun nid 2 tak part in e Turn out cuz i doin my duty as a sentry...
but i was wrong cuz wat happen was i watch TV until 11:30 den go slp
unfortunately gt another turn out aft 12midnight
dis tym e drill was more dis drill onli e ppl we draw rifle tk part
dat means gate IC no nid 2 tak part...den altgt gt 6 ppl...all break up into 3 grps n run 2wards e 3 check pts
my grp was e most unluckiest...cuz wen goin 2 e check pts we nid 2 run...
den my check pt happens 2 b all e way 2 e back gate...
e guard hse is at e front gate...i was slpin there n suddenly in e middle of e night woke up shoutin "turn out turn out"
(every1 nid 2 shout "turn out")den guess wat,we run all e way 2 e bak gate...
jux imagin dat u hav 2 run all e way through e fukin big camp wif rifle n wearin LBV while u fukin slpy
cum bak tired lyk shit..guess it ends ard 1am den go back slp....
i felt lyk tym goes by very detail starts again at 2 am....
guard duty will b very very borin if u jux hav 2 stand there do nothin but look ard..
luckily gt e radio for us 2 listen hehe...den not really bored lor...
at 4 am rest again..until ard 6:30am cuz by dat tym we nid 2 go for breakfast alrdy
at 7 duty starts again....cuz detail 1 do 4hrs alrdy..we oso do 4 hrs alrdy but dat how e system works...
detail 2 always kana 5hrs if i'm not wrong...e rest 4 hrs we jux nid 2 suck it up n do lor...
among all e positions as Prowlers, gate ICs and Sentrys i guess sentry is e worst
cuz u cannot go anywhere until e 2nd sentry cums 2 tak over so if sumhow e 2nd guy late, e 1st guy nid 2 stand a few more mins
until e 2nd guys cums
it always happen 2 me...e guy who has 2 take over me always late...
finally everyth finish at 8am den book out again...
jux now chattin wif Hafizah..tokin bout goin out wif Loqman n Wati...
i oso tot it was a good idea..we all nv c for so long alrdy...
n oso tok bout daiso of cuz...seriously Daiso should close down alrdy hehe
anyways guess dats all for 2day folks...1more fuk up incedent inside e camp n untill dis mornin i still tired cuz of e duty