interestin yet boin....

Friday, March 28, 2008

last sunday whole day feelin very very bad...
i felt so desperate...
i go out alone wonder here n there do nothin...
at e end jux buy sum snacks bak 2 camp LOL...
well...dis wik quite slag...learn how 2 strip weapons n molest em... :P
lyk M203, M16, SAW, Matador...
e funny part is wen competin how fast we strip e rifle...
sumtyms among ourselves..sumtyms wif sergeants haha...
dat tym sergeant Alvin cum n challenge me n lose me haha
n he do 20 push ups as it was a deal b4 e challenge..:D
den sergeant Calvin...he win at strippin M203 n lose me at assemblin it hehe..
so 10 push up for each of us hehe...
e borin part is, there's onli afew rifles so every1 have 2 wait for their turn..
we're very lucky 2 do these inside e lecture rm cuz inside gt air-con hehe
not lyk other platoons..dey hav 2 do these outside n its alot more hotter
notin 2 do i jux slp inside e rm hehe...of cuz nid 2 pass e test la
e test is bout strippin e rifles within e given tym
sumtyms can go bak bunk n slp but i rather stay inside e air-con rm n slp :D
den cant rmb on tuesday or wednesday we gt mass PT
det day every1 gt very very tired
sum more its conducted by PL serg Jason...
we go for ard 2km run den start e PT so made every1 more tired...
sum more we're doin on e road so its very very hot..imagin u doin push ups on it
we do 6 tough exercises for 3 sets...actually dats wat we suppose 2 finish
but aft 2 sets it starts 2 rain very heavy...
i do push up in e rain 1st was quite shiok doin it under e rain
but all e water drop on e floor splash bak inside ur mouth...
dat is not really gud...n includin my own sweat ewwww....
so we stopped aft 2 sets b4 lightenin cums...
nxt day continue wif e rifles..
ytd jux b4 i book out i go for runnin for 25 mins...
bak den i needed a sum1 2 motivate me 2 i m e 1 motivatin my fren hehe
e runnin was very shiok cuz i nv run dat long for lyk 3 wiks alrdy
aft runnin me, jun long, jackson, serg Ivan n serg Calvin go do chin up
b4 book out we do area cleanin..
though most of e best ppl frm my section was sent 2 other sections
we still can maintain as e best section wen it cums 2 cleanliness
haha now here's e stupid thing i did
after eatin dinner i go bak 2 my bunk but Arma Sha go n lock e door
he was jux jokin den i go n shout very very loud n it sounded lyk a commander
shoutin 2 a recruit hehe....
i was oso jokin onli but Calvin, Derrick, Gary n Alvin
all e 4 sergeants cum out of their bunk n dey tot we kana fuk by sum1 wif rank
n Serg Derrick scold me for dat hehe..
hmm anywae though we becum private, there isn't much privileges
CO really stupid man
fukin potato head....
Hai....recently dunno wat e hell's happening 2 me sia...
i can easily gt angry on small things...
n every thing i c tends 2 make me angry...

Guard duty....borin n tired

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Nothin much for 2day but last thursday gt my very first guard duty bak in my camp...
though i gt 11 days off i kana extra duty cuz my rifle kana steal by Platoon Commander bak at field camp XD...
luckily its on wik days...if i kana on wik ends i really goin 2 die..
cuz on wikends its 24hrs...and
wik days onli 16 or 18 hrs onli cuz office hrs regimental police and military police do e guard duty..
aft office hrs we tk over...until e nxt mornin dat is 8am...
starts at ard 6pm aft e flag goes down in e Division Parade Square(DPS...i made up myself hehe:P)...
but dat day i actually hav 2 book in at 3pm cuz e commanders nid 2 gif us sum briefin bout e duty...
cuz its my 1st tym.....
b4 e real guard duty, at ard 5:30pm we gather at e DPS do sum drills b4 e flag goes down
den 2 e guard rm...i not really e 1st one 2 do e duty..i m e 2nd detail (1 detail gt 4 gt 3 detail)
(in 1 detail, 2 ppl prowl ard e whole camp internal n external den 1 gate IC
who hav 2 open e gate n me, e sentry who hav e stand for 2 hrs on a 2 and a half square foot box holdin a rifle LOL)
my detail starts at 8pm so b4 dat i TV eat Macdonalds n cup noodles hehe..
actually we do guard duty 2 hrs n rest for 4 hrs.....hehe half way gt this ting called TURN OUT!!!
dat iz another stupid thing we nid 2 do while doin e guard duty...
wen turn out is called off every1 gav 2 gather infront of e guard hse..except e duty personel
dat means ppl who r restin muz cum down...its actually an emergency drill
lyk riotin or suspicious person spotted inside e camp...
i tot i was lucky cuz i dun nid 2 tak part in e Turn out cuz i doin my duty as a sentry...
but i was wrong cuz wat happen was i watch TV until 11:30 den go slp
unfortunately gt another turn out aft 12midnight
dis tym e drill was more dis drill onli e ppl we draw rifle tk part
dat means gate IC no nid 2 tak part...den altgt gt 6 ppl...all break up into 3 grps n run 2wards e 3 check pts
my grp was e most unluckiest...cuz wen goin 2 e check pts we nid 2 run...
den my check pt happens 2 b all e way 2 e back gate...
e guard hse is at e front gate...i was slpin there n suddenly in e middle of e night woke up shoutin "turn out turn out"
(every1 nid 2 shout "turn out")den guess wat,we run all e way 2 e bak gate...
jux imagin dat u hav 2 run all e way through e fukin big camp wif rifle n wearin LBV while u fukin slpy
cum bak tired lyk shit..guess it ends ard 1am den go back slp....
i felt lyk tym goes by very detail starts again at 2 am....
guard duty will b very very borin if u jux hav 2 stand there do nothin but look ard..
luckily gt e radio for us 2 listen hehe...den not really bored lor...
at 4 am rest again..until ard 6:30am cuz by dat tym we nid 2 go for breakfast alrdy
at 7 duty starts again....cuz detail 1 do 4hrs alrdy..we oso do 4 hrs alrdy but dat how e system works...
detail 2 always kana 5hrs if i'm not wrong...e rest 4 hrs we jux nid 2 suck it up n do lor...
among all e positions as Prowlers, gate ICs and Sentrys i guess sentry is e worst
cuz u cannot go anywhere until e 2nd sentry cums 2 tak over so if sumhow e 2nd guy late, e 1st guy nid 2 stand a few more mins
until e 2nd guys cums
it always happen 2 me...e guy who has 2 take over me always late...
finally everyth finish at 8am den book out again...
jux now chattin wif Hafizah..tokin bout goin out wif Loqman n Wati...
i oso tot it was a good idea..we all nv c for so long alrdy...
n oso tok bout daiso of cuz...seriously Daiso should close down alrdy hehe
anyways guess dats all for 2day folks...1more fuk up incedent inside e camp n untill dis mornin i still tired cuz of e duty


Monday, March 17, 2008

Jux cum bak frm Chevron...
go thr wif Jun Long, Hong Sing, Soh Jin and Ah Bao...
drank abit of beer wif sum chicken wings(really fuk up fries) n nuggets..
hehe for e second tym i go KTV at Chevron oso...
but sang onli one song :P
aft dat go play pool...quite fun : D
den nothin 2 do go bak lor...
by e tym i reach hm its aldy 12:30am hehe...
nothin much 2 update but still dun wan slp yet so....

Haha!!!POP lo.........

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Arlama...been 2 lazy 2 update since i book out....

everydae play game nv do anyth....

anyways....aft 4mths, POP lo....yeah....

its was on last wednesday...

haiya...but dat dosent mean dat e tough days r over...

guess its a warnin for me 2 look out for e tougher days ahead..XD

i tot my POP day will b special but turns out every thing is canceled...LOL

all thx 2 e stupid rain...we train in e rain for 2 days jux for dis..

den....all efforts into e drain...

dunno who came up wif e idea 2 continue in e canteen...

fukin squeezy....e whole battalion + visitors inside e canteen LOL....

last monday was quite slag i will say but still gt e stupid last BCCT..

really crazy man...

den tuesday nv really do anyth..onli sum rehersal for POP for nothin LOL...

but whole day i was lookin forward 2 e 24km route march..

we started ard 7:30pm and its e same...nv rest at 4km...

continue until 8km without rifle den rest for very long...

dis tym its a bettelion lvl so we nid 2 wait for other companies den continue tgt..

our Charlie coy march 2 fast dat Support coy cant even catch up...

we wait dem at e rest point for ar 30 min jux sittin down there....

dat dosent include e 15min rest so altg we rest for ard 45 min lol...

dat was 2 long sum more our platoon very unlucky...

my whole platoon have 2 sit on e very thick grass...+jux finished rainin so very very wet

i'm e one who have 2 go all e way inside...go sum more onli gt very tall bush left...

other ppl all sit on e open space....:(

on e way Jun Long go n catch a fire fly...i will say e light is very cute..

but dun gt fooled cuz of e light...

until u gt 2 c how it really looks lyk...u wont noe how ugly it is...seriously

exactly lyk a small cockroach...believe me man....

now den i noe there're more interestin thing inside dat forest...

it looks sumth lyk a firefly oso..but e difference is its not flyin

i can onli c e light cumin out from dem..

dey arnt blinkin at all...mostly stays in a group n all stationery

so i'm quite sure dat those aint fireflies...

ok..bak 2 route march...

untill ard 12 km i noe hows e route is cuz its e same route as 16km...

at 12km mark we change our path...we took e path 2 e other side of e forest.

dat includes crossin a road usin e traffic light...

e whole platoon run n cross e road while e light is green...quite funny though...

sum ppl dun really lyk it cuz sum of us gt very tired alrdy sum more hav e run...

i nv really gt tired until 16 km mark where we rest again....

aft dat is abit more difficult part cuz we go a route where we nv go b4..

n we go for 2 rounds....i felt lyk its very very long....

but i'm not really tired yet.....but onli a frustratin cuz i wan go bak 2 camp alrdy..

dey still doin all stupid tactical rest n all stupid 1 tym took lyk 45min...

really unnecessary things....

dis part is actually quite tough cuz gt many slopes....many up n downs...

n its very rocky....

den cum bak frm a very thin route..2 thin dat it can barely let through 1 person at a tym..

slip down den good luck for u....beside e route onli got sum vegetations

which is at a very low ground beside e path...

den sum how it leads us back 2 e traffic light lol...

dunno who found out dis kind of path...

after crossin bak e road rest for another 30 min...

den march back 2 camp alrdy...
by e tym we gt bak its alrdy 4:55 sum night snacks...go wash up
den go for breakfast alrdy..hah nv even slp
cum back from breakfast den slp until 12 noon

dunno for my fren la but for me i felt lyk its quite relax dis tym...

i really not tired at all....onlin my feets abit pain n my shoulder onli.

overall its quite ok one la....

n oso spring my leg onli twice...n its not even serious..

guess its bcuz i nv concentrate on walkin...i was thinkin bout e happy tyms wif my ummm..... :P

it does work out...i really forgt e physical pain..

i dun really intend 2 do it but i'm really big thinker..LOL

now i compared wif e 8km route march...

i really wan 2 laugh at myself cuz dat tym wen i go for 8km i was really very tired

tired until i shout stupid things n even Jun Long kip shoutin at me 2 shut up lol

sum more its e very same route hehe...

hmm its not e end though...still got 32 km for my AIT... e tym i book out i goin for my AIT alrdy...

dunno wen i b goin overseas...

hmm...nothin much since i book out...

tml goin 2 poly...still dunno wat 2 do yet hai....

very lazy

Haha....soon i will b no more REC....

Saturday, March 8, 2008

At 1st i tot this wik's goin 2 b very slag....
jux bcuz i'm havin a 16 km route march
actually..until b4 e route march quite slag....
last min e f@#ker Mr Potato changed e way we march..
nv rest at 4km...we continue until 8km den rest for lyk 5-10 min..
fukin short....den march back another 8km...
anyway we weren't carryin any rifle though...
but it's still very tiring...
e most difficult part is not e distance or e weight..
its e darkness n where we march
we started marchin at ard 8pm den took a very unstable route into e forest..
at sum places its 2 dark dat u cant even c ur own hands...
sum more e route is full of holes...
drop 1 leg u kena blister or spring ankle..
so far i nv kena blister b4 cuz i've been wearin double socks haha :P
spring ur ankle at dis kind of route is a confirmed thing..
no 1 can escape..
i kena more den 5 tyms onli on right leg
e 1st tym is e hardest...
so far i nv drop out of any route march b4 haha..
e next day e stupid BCCT continues
n do stupid things...hai...boring n tirin..WTF
den on thursday gt IPPT test
dats wat i've been waitin for cuz i failed e last tym...
n i've been trainin myself for dis....
i failed my last IPPT wif 3 chin up haha..stupid
now i can do until 13 :P
but sum how i do onli 12 in e mornin wen e test started
but den jux b4 i go for 2.4km run e rain cums n e run was canceled
everything starts again b4 dinner...
dis tym everyone's tired alrdy so i oso nv do as good as in e mornin
do onli 11 chin up...
at least i tried my best 2 get Silver woooo.....
c how i goin 2 gt Gold nxt tym hehe....
after dinner gt OC's evenin
it's actually a small party within e company..
if i'm not wrong its 2 celebrate e POP
it was a very happy n funny evenin cuz of e fellows in e company...
anyways interms of perfomin inside e lecture room i tink our platoon 9 is e best hehe
very funny...
aft OC's evenin guess wat we hav...
every1 ate pizza haha...nv tot of eatin pizza in e Army
while others trainin outside we havin our own sweet tym inside...:D
friday...BCCT starts again WTF
n do e most stuipd thing ever...dun even want 2 say how stupid it was...
overall it was a very tirin day for me n sum of my frens cuz we volunteer
in performin BCCT on POP n compition of drill movements between e companies within e bettalion..
whole day practicin drills n reharsals for POP
den book out at 8pm....yeah......
go eat Mac B4 goin home :p
Saturday....go out wif Jinning...
go IMM again LOL...
well..for e 1st tym we go eat lunch at Bali thai XD
everything's on Jinning n i sponsor onli $2 hehe...
later on we go chevron- emart buy things for 24 km route march
Jinning u crazy or wat...tries 2 introduce me 2 ur gf's sis while u go take e car key
dun forgt how old is she...guess u oso lock ur brain inside e cupboard is it????
haha den we go vivo mit up wif Ard n Khai...
Ard i really dunno wat e hell u wearin..
u go Daiso n buy e shoes which most ppl wear at home haha...
i bought a pair of shoes n go town...
very funny dat on e same day we coincidently mit up wif almost all e platoon mate hehe
even Sir Farihan...haha
every1 made him shy at e middle orchard..
Alfie go n shout "Orchard, kip still there" LOL
Sir Farihan shook every1's hand n go off as quickly as possible haha...
dunno wat we all b gettin frm him 2 night...
Ltr on he sent msg e Jinning dat we all goin 2 kena frm him at wen we book in XD
cuz we made him feel peisae in front of his girlfren sum more at town LOL
den walk walk ard n go lucky plaza play pool wif Jinning n Ard...
after eatin at Mac me, Jinning and Jinning's gf break off wif e rest cuz Jinning still nid 2 go n collect his future father in law's car :P
on e way 2 collect e car we saw BCCT instructor haha...Jinning go n joke wif him LOL
den he send me back..thx ar Jinning
hmmm...cum 2 tink of it i felt lyk i quit ok at doing thing dat i dun lyk....
but wen it cums 2 thing dat i wen do or wen 2 bcum i nid 2 try very hard...
i hav no idea y....jux compare my education n NS...
inside NS..i dun wan 2 say very good but over all not bad...
i onli nid 2 concentrate
interm of education, i wen a high result but i nid 2 try very very hard..
not onli i nid 2 concentrate i oso nid 2 put in effort
sum tyms i cant even gt wat i wanted

Old days n old places....haha...sian

Sunday, March 2, 2008

2dae jux b4 i book in i gave a surprise visit 2 Daiso....
haha....all my colleagues were surprised...
sum of em cant even rmb me haha...
especially Vangie....i cor her den she kip starin at me for a few seconds...LOLs
Hmm anyway e news spread very fast hor....
but nvm sooner or later dey all will noe 1....
dey jux tell me 2 get over wif it....thx :)
sum of em still dunno yet...still askin me if i cum alone haha....of cuz i alone
n oh ya...sry ar i nv say good bye 2 ur b4 i go bak...its jux bcuz i dun feel lyk tokin....
u guys very luck nid 2 serve NS....i still nid one and a half years more 2 go...hai....
though mayb physically looks abit diff n curse more plz dun think dat i changed totally ar....
inside me...its still e same....sum tyms i act lyk pei kia its jux wa yang onli...hehe... :P
since i go IMM of cuz i pass by infront of Bali Thai.....i c u but should i cor u???
i jux feel lyk i should not disturb u....
c u sum other tym la :)

10 days 2 POP...

Saturday, March 1, 2008

wow....tym goes very fast ar..........
1st few days in army lyk hell man....
now...i going 2 finish my BMT liao....hmmm
WTF man...i jux told my frens 2 cum 2 my POP but e fukin Potato head allow onli 2 visitors
i'm sry my frens....hai....
On tuesday my anger goes up 2 extreme...haha..cuz of sum of my frens
Chng Ning fuck u dat again ur dead...
Jun Long u gettin more n more irretating
Hong Sing u fat fuck nv kip ur words....c how i will sabo u everydae..haha... :P
Ard i gif up alrdy....but nvm i used 2 it haha
wednesday n thursday....
go for live range on both days....
while shootin, its quite interestin but
waitin for my turn 2 arrive....its a different thing
i've nv been so bored b4...
sit on e same banch do noting.....dey nv allow us 2 slp...onli tok cock wif frens
boring sia....
thanks 2 Ama Sha ur riddle kips every1 awake...
i still cant solve ur riddle arg...
slowly cums my turn...go for sum practice shooting for e 1st day
n on 2nd day....we started our wif sum practice at 1st den cums e test....
dey gif us 16 rounds for day shoot test...n i miss 2 miss while practice
go n miss at e test...fuck up sia...
den night shoot osos 16 rounds but dis tym nv miss a target haha....
total i got 30 marks our of 32 n a maskmanship...haha...onli for BMT la...
AIT will b more tougher but i will try my best 2 get e maskmanship.... :)
well....those r e tyms wen i'm trainin
Admin tym...its a different thing....sumth inside me jux not right....
every night i felt lyk depression sets in....m i thinkin 2 much?????
hmmmm...... ur frens treat u as a sand bag...u dun nid 2 b angry cuz of dat..
dats wat u wanted b4..u always hope dat sum1 will cum out frm nowhere n punch u..rite????
jux take it as a punishment for ur mistakes frm e past....
though e 1 who punch u n e 1 u fail 2 understand r 2 different ppl...jux close ur eyes n take it....
i mean tryin 2 understand sum1 u love it so difficult???
'cause n effect' man...cause is u urself n effect is....u noe wat e out cum is....
so suck it up n carry on wif ur fuck up life as a prisoner-like solider inside e army..asshole
:P m i crazy or wat???
tokin 2 myself????
yup i m tokin 2 myself.....
sumtyms really cant take it...den wat do i do???
this is wat i do...tok 2 myself lo......
i wish i could kip dis letter by my side so as 2 remind myself not 2 do stupid n childish things......