Friday, July 18, 2008

update my blog for e 1st tym in dunno how many months..haha....
i've been very very lazy lately....sumth inside of me changed...
now i dun really have any targets....i mean last tym i do hav sumth 2 aim for but
now...still setting a target....lost for now...

actually it feels lyk e same wen i was ard 12 years old if i'm now wrong...
dat tym its lyk i hav nothin 2 do...feelin really really sian...used alot of dirty words
dun wanna do any home works or studies....grades dropped until i failed most of my subjects
it lasts until i moved to another school where i met new frens and started 2 change myself
and stopped using those words but its startin 2 cum bak......i really hate this feelin
i hope dat i can gt ride of it...i hav no idea how it came 2 me...Uhmmm this tym i tink i noe y la..
i kept doin all stupid things i can think of, still....i knew its not rite
so it made others think dat i'm stupid rite down 2 my bones....

i tink i noe e ways 2 cum out of it but i still feel lyk i nid sumth
uhm it dosent really make sense at all but dats exactly how i feel..
maybe sum1 good enuff 2 motivate me to set a good target???
i wonder who will dat b???myself???who knows sia....just have 2 suck thumb n carry for now
until after ORD...after ORD wats nxt???

hai...but for now at least i hav my frens 2 hang out wif... :)
dat made until e out field looked lyk a picnic...seriously wat i hate most is out field
past few day lyk made me have a different view on it..haha
we all brought foods until no one can finish....
lucky nv kana caught by CO haha...if kana, i wont even b here writin all these shit
this is e best out field ever
hahaha...oh one sad thing, Jing Ning kana confined cuz he lost e battery cap frm e rifle..
sum more its now onli 1 wik confinement...its 3 weekends...
really raba sia.....
nxt outfield will b quite shiong...7days leh...argggg....