Feb 24th 08

Saturday, February 23, 2008

`well..first tym bloggin hehe`
but i dun wan 2 start wif e thing frm 2day
i wan 2 say sumth more interestin
so it was 2 wiks b4
dat was e first day of my field camp 2 Pulau Takong Island
it was 8 days trip
over all it was fun
despite of being kana takan on e 2nd day n 5th day hehe...
1st day
nothing special...
reach 2 Takong route march for 4 clip wif 20kg field pack on my back
den at night listen dem talk cock n slp...
2nd day
i faced e most toughest punishment so far
we were supposed 2 fall in at 6am...
but majority was late includin me
no1 can wake up
e last guy fall in at 6:15am
at 1st i tot jux sum pumpin den everyth will b ok
but e nxt thing dey tell us 2 take out our basha, put back inside e field pack,
den fall in again....
dis tym guess wat e punishment is.....
we hav 2 hold dat 20kg bag (excludin 4kg rifle n e LBV on our back)
up in e air for 5 to 10 min den Leopard crawl wif e field pack on e back inside e forest
i was so pissed off....not bcuz of carryin it...bcuz sum of e things inside my bag drop off
sum more its in e dark...e sun haven even cum out yet
e rest of e day was jux sum trainin
3rd day
jux sum fire drills frm mornin until night
4th day
ah yah...dis is e day wen my rifle kana steal by Platoon 8 PC(platoon commander)
my sergeant scold me n said i will gt a confinement
but i not the onli 1 who kana...
many ppl oso kana by other sergeants haha......
back at camp i nv really gt any confinement but i kana guard duty on e block leave..damn....
5th day
5th day...another fuk up day
very early in e mornin ard 4:30 or 5am...
a fukin loud alarm rang...actually every1 was expectin it but not day late
we tot it will b ard 3am
den every1 woke up mostly dunno wat 2 do...every1 blur
also bcuz of all e sounds frm lightening bangs(fake granade or artillery)
every1 was told 2 fall in...
aft fallin in we were told 2 take off our shirts den tie ard our head
everything dey did was really crazy
our hands were tied 2....den we were dragged ard lyk prisoners
b4 doin dat we were splashed wif water..it was really very cold
in side e forest...we were half naked n dragged ard for more den 15 min to 30 min
aft all those crazy things we wear back our wet clothes n fall in on the other side
ltr e CO (potato...lol)head of e battelion
cum down n told us y dey did dis
he said is 2 gif us e experience how it was lyk back in world war 2
den i was lyk huh???? WTF????
i jux try 2 cool myself down cuz i cant do anyth bout it...
with those wet uniforms we march another 4 clip 2 a new camp site at malay school
a place where it is famous for havin supernatural things
right after dat4 clip route march we immediately dig holes called shalf-scape(not sure bout e rite spellin)
took us lyk 2 to 3 hours 2 finish which we have 2 finish in 45min....LOL
dig finished, rest for very long tym at fibua village
den walk a little 2 malay sch....
eat dinner there...den happy hour...haha
cuz we get 2 bath for e 1st tym in 5 days...
e smell frm our uniform was lyk damn smelly..
a normal person will vormit on e spot...
finally we get 2 bath n change 2 new uniforms
past 4 days we been given onli 2 pairs of uniforms
one for trainin one as a pajamas...
e trainin one was damn dirty
dat past 4 days there's onli sumth lyk powder bath
we strip down 2 our underwear n put powder frm head 2 toe
e funnier part is we do war cry in our underwear b4 we go 2 slp infront of my PC haha....
anyway every1 was happy after bathin...
but still, we miss our homes n our camp(sum how) haha...
untill e 7th day we stay at e malay sch...
we do our trainin there nothin very special though
8th day(lastday of field camp)
we wake up at 00:00am(midnight)
dat night we march back 2 BMTC at Pulau Takong for 12 clip(actually ard 10.5km)
same wif our 20 kg field pack
we reach BMTC at ard 2:20am
we rest until ar 7am...
it was a freakin cold night..
cuz our uniforms were soakin wet wif our own sweat
i changed my shirt though n sum more i wear gortex jecket
but still it was cold lyk i'm in e fridge cuz e win was blowin
right towards e parade square where we were restin.....
finally after CO's parade we go back 2 singapore ard 1pm
hmmm...well quite tough 2 stay lyk dat for 8 days outside
dat was on monday...
we spent e rest of e day cleanin our dirty rifle
e nxt day is e same cleanin rifle whole day long
oh ya oso clean stores n uniforms
at night we hav our celebration at e multi-purpose hall by havin a party....
it was fun actually....
until friday night we continue wif sum of our training
den we book our haha...
but i felt sry for sum of our friends who kana confinement
dey misfired wif blank rounds.... :(
dey will stay inside camp until nxt wik...
on sat night chat wif Syafawati, Hafizah, Loqman and Angie
HAHA i'm happy 2 chat wif all my frens again :D