another wik...jux as usual

Monday, August 11, 2008

this morning dreamt bout sumth and aft dat i jux kept thinking bout it.....
now i cant really rmb wat really happen in e dream hehe :P

dis afternoon go WWW at pasir ris.....turns out quite boring
today school holiday so quite alot of ppl and some pretty girls hehe....
but majority kids and parents....not nice la....
i prefer e one near jurong east.....dat one more fun sia.....
stay there until 6pm....whole day very hot until after 5...gts colder
wasted $2 oso thanks to Armar...he go and lock e locker without closing the locker door...
stupid sia...he tot cannot lock...den try locking it without closing e door...haha

fuck......running out of things to say....wait ar wait ar....let me think 1st

nothing special last wik la...onli gt 10km run...sumhow this running made my shoulder pain lyk fuck..
quite surprising that my legs not aching hehe....
this wik oso gt 10km run...oso gt out field on sat and sun...dat means i cant go back hm for next wik
its going to b really REALLY sian......still need to buy food hai...

lately feeling lyk fuck man.....kept thinking stupid things....
my dream is oso nothing lor...its jux bcuz i thinking too much....
its not dat i wanna think....nothing to do i jux sum how do lor...jux dun hav anyth better to do...
might as well go fuck myself ....damn....


Sunday, August 3, 2008

posting this jux b4 booking in...

whole day gt nothing to do...fucking boring...hmmmm

kip thinking stupid things, sumth which dosen't even concern to me

and dunno y, keep worryin....

hai...fuck it la...drivin me crazy....

ytd oso quite e same....go suntec meet Armar and ltr Hong Sing join

after casing the flag for the colour party, we gt noting to do alrdy..

jux walk ard suntec eat dinner n go back alrdy

took bus 51 on e way bak instead MRT....take MRT everytym sian ar..

b4 reachin jurong east i got a plan to do sumth but den by e tym i reach there its alrdy 23:00

surprisingly i saw my late den dey go back

again i took bus frm there hehe...its 98..

on the bus, ran into Azmi and his GF haha...funny i come up to the bus never see them

after awhile den Azmi saw me...surprised me

oh ya by the way Azmi's gf very pretty hehe...sum more she's chinese...

last friday go watch "money no enuff"very very funny and sad oso...actually many ppl cried

and dat includes Hong Sing hahahahahaha.....

thursday gt sum crazy things inside camp....

its actually a battalion anniversary and dunno how come gt strippers come and dance

dey stripped until to their fancy bras haha...the whole unit go crazy...

but i wonder SAF gt allow this meh???

Sunday, July 27, 2008

jux read sumth crazy....

it doesnt really concern 2 me but it does pissed me off

it's actually bout sum1 else...sad for you girl...hmm quite stupid though

cuz wat can i do????well...literally nothing

arhhh.... jux hav 2 suck it up again....

now myself...

friday book out never even go bak home...stay in until nxt mornin

den go out wif hong sing and armar...

went out whole day watched 2 movies....dark knight and red hill....

red hill ok la but end up wif a 2b continue...wat e hell???

oso go watch the black knights...its not e movie ar...

its the six jets flyin for the NDP....its actually a rehersal...we go watch for free

saw Sir Fidaous over there(did i spelled his name wrongly???) and his brother...

i wanna kill Li Long alrdy....he told me gt WCG a suntec...

we walk until there but nothing sia...curse u china man...:P

2day never go out....really borin man...slept e whole stupid day

wat should i do tmr???actually can go out cuz i no nid 2 bring bak anyth bak 2 camp

but where should i go??and wif who???arhhh.....

guess should go play lan wif my bro...if he's free dat is... i wish i could have a girl who will stick 2 me every wik end hehe...

does it sounds lyk i'm desperate??hope not.....

Friday, July 18, 2008

update my blog for e 1st tym in dunno how many months..haha....
i've been very very lazy lately....sumth inside of me changed...
now i dun really have any targets....i mean last tym i do hav sumth 2 aim for but
now...still setting a target....lost for now...

actually it feels lyk e same wen i was ard 12 years old if i'm now wrong...
dat tym its lyk i hav nothin 2 do...feelin really really sian...used alot of dirty words
dun wanna do any home works or studies....grades dropped until i failed most of my subjects
it lasts until i moved to another school where i met new frens and started 2 change myself
and stopped using those words but its startin 2 cum bak......i really hate this feelin
i hope dat i can gt ride of it...i hav no idea how it came 2 me...Uhmmm this tym i tink i noe y la..
i kept doin all stupid things i can think of, still....i knew its not rite
so it made others think dat i'm stupid rite down 2 my bones....

i tink i noe e ways 2 cum out of it but i still feel lyk i nid sumth
uhm it dosent really make sense at all but dats exactly how i feel..
maybe sum1 good enuff 2 motivate me to set a good target???
i wonder who will dat b???myself???who knows sia....just have 2 suck thumb n carry for now
until after ORD...after ORD wats nxt???

hai...but for now at least i hav my frens 2 hang out wif... :)
dat made until e out field looked lyk a picnic...seriously wat i hate most is out field
past few day lyk made me have a different view on it..haha
we all brought foods until no one can finish....
lucky nv kana caught by CO haha...if kana, i wont even b here writin all these shit
this is e best out field ever
hahaha...oh one sad thing, Jing Ning kana confined cuz he lost e battery cap frm e rifle..
sum more its now onli 1 wik confinement...its 3 weekends...
really raba sia.....
nxt outfield will b quite shiong...7days leh...argggg....


Saturday, April 26, 2008

feelin very lame after writin alot about myself
dun wanna say anyth bout wat happen 2 me every wik la...
actually i feelin very very sad...
i really dunno wat 2 do....felt lyk i've been tied up...
i wanna prove 2 every1 dat i can b a better person but...
i still cant make it happen...i cant do anyth
wat can a solider do wen book out sia...

Ayngi jux in case if u read my lame blog...
i wanna let u noe dat i still love u but its jux e matter of if i will hav another chance or not...
i really really miss u...i wanna c u...i dun nid u 2 hang out wif me...
its enuff for me 2 c u even once...
jux wanna noe how u doin...

2 wik....

Saturday, April 19, 2008

ok now continue frm sat...
dat day i nid 2 wake up quite early...
cuz e whole platoon meetin up for lunch at Seoul Garden...
sry ar Jing Ning...i forgt 2 cor u cuz i was rushin den completely forgt...
we actually plan 2 mit up at 11:30 but e last person Jun Long reach at 2pm hehe
but we all wait until he finish...oh ya i hav no idea if he gt pay e $23 or not
i tink sum ppl nv pay cuz there's 2 many ppl dat day....
guess e ppl frm seoul garden dun even noe who pay or who nv pay hehe
dat day oso go park lane again n play lan dinner den play again...
dis tym oso finish at 11:30...dat night go bak wif Li Long n tk cab so nv really reach hm very late
12:30 reach alrdy...until i reach hm i haven even wash my clothes...
i felt lyk e wik really really short...e nxt day hav 2 book in alrdy....
last wik 2 slag aldy...literally we all nv do anyth until thursday...
dat day we wake up at 4:30 n prepare for section live firin which is a very dangerous trainin
i was very very surprised dat e live range is connected 2 e public..sum more its near e NTU...
jux bash through sum vegetation can reach even a fench at all..
jux nxt 2 NIE dun really noe wat is dat but NIE is located aft NTU....
dat day we cannot start until 10am cuz of e Cad1....
den we were 2hrs late...dat day every1 gts dirty...
its e wet muddy ground n we hav 2 prown there...Alpha company more worse
whole body mud n dirt...every1 hav 2 stay lyk dat until we go bak...
cuz of e night firin we cant go bak until aft 12 night hav 2 tk extra precaution
cuz we cant c anything..every1 shootin den if nv shoot properly can easily kana ur fren...
any misfire n u fren die....u oso as gud as dead
these things happen every1 scared...
but we still can make it through....reach bak 2 camp at 1am i guess...
finally we all gt 2 bath alrdy....luckily still gt bus 2 bring us bak 2 camp
friday...every1 lookin forward 2 dis day but not me n sum of my frens...
cuz we all kana guard duty until sat mornin..i do Sentry dis tym....
very very sleepy...finished my breakfast wif jux a bun..
its all cuz of guard duty...finally book out den go hm...
slp until 2pm...den go out again at 4:30 2 Jurong east
do sum fuck off stupid senseless things n go bak hm at 9am...
reach hm aldy watch TV den bloggin until now....
sian ahhhhh.......nxt wik gt out field again...dis tym slpin in forest again...
not even bunk..if rain die man...plz dun rain plz....
k dats feelin abit betta

its drivin me CRAZY

been 2 wiks since i blog last tym...
sia la really lazy 2 blog sia...
but nvm since i gt nothing 2 do..... i jux blog every thing...
cant really rmb wat i did on last monday...
i guess i jux slag all day long if i'm not wrong...
cuz on tuesday morning ard 5 or 6 e whole company move out for out field alrdy..
sry i guess e whole very first out field for AIT phase
it's still at takong...same as last tym BMT out field
e onli diff is e location..we slp at a quite remote location...
but luckily its a camp site..not lyk last tym slpin in was terrible man
dis tym oso wasn't really luckily cuz since e first day at ard 10am it rains fukin heavy
i wasnt expectin it..actually we reach there ard 8am den started
our nevigation practice in section lvl...
dis nevi practice is no diff wif route march cuz we all carryin field packs
it was heavier den last tym...our sect nevigate until 2 fibua village
all tgt its ard maybe more den 8km...
e prob starts 2 rain at 10am...
we tried 2 hide inside e forest but e rain was jux 2 heavy
its Cad1 leh...e fucker CO nv stop e trainin
sum more e nevi gt tymin so cant tk so much tym...
every where's water n guess wat???our boots r lyk water buckets..
reach fibua village ard 2pm den tk out our boots n smelly lyk hell sia X(
tk out e boots not very long hav 2 put bak bak alrdy
den rest until night falls...i jux slp in my wet boots n wet clothes until 5pm
imagin how cold it was...den continue e stupid nevi at night...pretty dark but still can make it
spring my ankle jux b4 i reach e camp site...really really pain but still hav 2 continue
reach e camp alrdy cant tk off e boots yet...i dun mind my uniform being wet...
but wet boots...dats fukin terrible...
for 30min we hav 2 wait until e bunk is ready....finally tk off e boots
my pale n wrinkled...looked really ungly sia...
e gud th is we gt 2 bath hah^^
den change 2 new set of uniform...
wen slpin at night i feel lyk i'm slpin in an air-con rm
cuz it's very cold..i was wearin long 4 but its still very cold...
cold until i wake up every 2hrs...
e nxt day..section fire movement..near oil plantation...
e terrain is really bad...not jux tall alot of water n even a small pond...
e worst tarrain 2 practice...dun which fucker go n choose dat kinda of place...
our ps e best man...he go n choose a better high ground...
it was e place where we all dug our self-scrape last out field...
though e wether is not really forgivin cuz its very hot..we did our best
ok..our section 3 is e best ^^oops..m i being 2 proud???
sry guys accecpt e truth hehe...:P....we continue until 8:30 i guess
den go bak 2 camp site, clean rifle den slp...
3rd day...dis is e really fuk up day...
e trainin is e movement..but diff location...
its jux at e back of e camp...btw e camp name is Sa Yong Kong camp if i'm not wrong
dis tym e trainin is not tough but e terrain is lyk..e grass r quite tall
quite difficult e move ard but we found a very good spot 2 do e fire movement..
e difficult tym starts ard 1:30pm rite aft lunch...
its none other den e rain...oso Cad1 but trainin nv stop...
we hide under sum trees..e rain was quite long until ard 3pm..
we jux stuck there until e rain stops...wen e rain stops, ps told us 2 gather...
every1 gather 2 show hows e fire movement 2 e fuker potato
but ps told us 2 hide at one corner cuz he noe dat we haven practice anyth much..
i hav no idea how other sections train in dis kinda weather...
actually my section slag e whole day cuz ytd we all do very well
n gt e privallage e slag all day hehe...if not of e prev day guess we will oso b trainin in e rain...
e condition is much more worse den e first day...b4 e rain starts its was very very hot...
den suddenly rain very heavy...guess wat we all kana heat rash....
e whole body ichy...ok la above all we nv do anyth much..
actually PC n PS oso noe la...even Enchik oso noe
but he nv say anyth...shiok ar heh....
aft dinner PC follow us den we dun dare 2 slag alrdy...train abit abit
den slag again night oso abit abit...chit chat wif PC n PS
oh e best part...i gt 2 throw e lightenin^^
lol...dat night PC n PS do sum stupid thing...PS taught PC how 2 hold e lightenin flash aft ignitin it
PS really scared dat PC will tell other about it..
we watch PC dat 1...i kept lookin at e ignited lightenin flash den "bang"
i go completely blind hehe.....but temporarily la....
over all its very cool...den go bak aft 8:30...
dis tym my feet looked more worse....i felt lyk my whole feet turns into jelly
dat night i slp until onli until 4am den hav 2 gt up alrdy...
cuz we hav 2 move out 2 BMTC more earlier den other companies...
finally reach back 2 camp b4 lunch...den at night book out...
but nv go hm straight away...go park land play lan until 11:30hehe
go bak wif mrt but no more train alrdy...e onli train is to kranji
so no choice go until kranji den tk cab....reach hm at 1:30am lol...
i guess dis blog 2 long alrdy...2b continue.....