Sunday, July 27, 2008

jux read sumth crazy....

it doesnt really concern 2 me but it does pissed me off

it's actually bout sum1 else...sad for you girl...hmm quite stupid though

cuz wat can i do????well...literally nothing

arhhh.... jux hav 2 suck it up again....

now myself...

friday book out never even go bak home...stay in until nxt mornin

den go out wif hong sing and armar...

went out whole day watched 2 movies....dark knight and red hill....

red hill ok la but end up wif a 2b continue...wat e hell???

oso go watch the black knights...its not e movie ar...

its the six jets flyin for the NDP....its actually a rehersal...we go watch for free

saw Sir Fidaous over there(did i spelled his name wrongly???) and his brother...

i wanna kill Li Long alrdy....he told me gt WCG a suntec...

we walk until there but nothing sia...curse u china man...:P

2day never go out....really borin man...slept e whole stupid day

wat should i do tmr???actually can go out cuz i no nid 2 bring bak anyth bak 2 camp

but where should i go??and wif who???arhhh.....

guess should go play lan wif my bro...if he's free dat is... i wish i could have a girl who will stick 2 me every wik end hehe...

does it sounds lyk i'm desperate??hope not.....

Friday, July 18, 2008

update my blog for e 1st tym in dunno how many months..haha....
i've been very very lazy lately....sumth inside of me changed...
now i dun really have any targets....i mean last tym i do hav sumth 2 aim for but
now...still setting a target....lost for now...

actually it feels lyk e same wen i was ard 12 years old if i'm now wrong...
dat tym its lyk i hav nothin 2 do...feelin really really sian...used alot of dirty words
dun wanna do any home works or studies....grades dropped until i failed most of my subjects
it lasts until i moved to another school where i met new frens and started 2 change myself
and stopped using those words but its startin 2 cum bak......i really hate this feelin
i hope dat i can gt ride of it...i hav no idea how it came 2 me...Uhmmm this tym i tink i noe y la..
i kept doin all stupid things i can think of, still....i knew its not rite
so it made others think dat i'm stupid rite down 2 my bones....

i tink i noe e ways 2 cum out of it but i still feel lyk i nid sumth
uhm it dosent really make sense at all but dats exactly how i feel..
maybe sum1 good enuff 2 motivate me to set a good target???
i wonder who will dat b???myself???who knows sia....just have 2 suck thumb n carry for now
until after ORD...after ORD wats nxt???

hai...but for now at least i hav my frens 2 hang out wif... :)
dat made until e out field looked lyk a picnic...seriously wat i hate most is out field
past few day lyk made me have a different view on it..haha
we all brought foods until no one can finish....
lucky nv kana caught by CO haha...if kana, i wont even b here writin all these shit
this is e best out field ever
hahaha...oh one sad thing, Jing Ning kana confined cuz he lost e battery cap frm e rifle..
sum more its now onli 1 wik confinement...its 3 weekends...
really raba sia.....
nxt outfield will b quite shiong...7days leh...argggg....